Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 227 in total
Ep 222: Mastering Our Time with Sarah Light
Do you ever wonder how you will get everything done? Or find yourself saying “I don’t have enough time!” Well, today we discuss how to view our time through the lens o...
Ep 221: Everyday Theology- All the People God Uses with Sharon Cox
As life ebbs and flows, we may find ourselves in challenging situations. But God is with us always and He leads others into our lives to encourage and help us as we m...
Ep 220: Courageous Parenting with Julie Van Wormer and Guest Host - Erika Simpson
Parenting is not for the faint of heart. Parenting children in our modern day can be challenging and difficult and takes great courage. Listen today as we discuss h...
Ep 219: Be a Missionary Where You Are- A How to Guide to Share the Gospel with Anna Speweik
After listening to our Summer of Missions series, we end with a practical guide to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Listen for encouragement, challenge an...
Ep 218: Summer Of Missions Book Chat #6 with Joan Sedley and Guest Host Erika Simpson
Reach out at:unshakenpsalm622@gmail.comChrist the Word Sermonshttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/christ-the-word-church-sermons/id1515599033Christ the Word Truth an...
Ep 217: Summer Of Missions Book Chat #5 with Jenny Pollock and Guest Host Erika Simpson
In this fifth episode in our summer Book Chat series, we discuss the lives of three more great people who lived boldly for Christ and the lessons we can learn from the...
Ep 216: Everyday Theology- A Fragrant Aroma with Summer Drees
As we head out into the world, how can we be a fragrant aroma for Christ? How do others view us? Today we discuss how important it is to be an aroma of Christ’s love t...
Ep 215: Summer Of Missions Book Chat #4 with Kara Wisniewski and Guest Host Erika Simpson
In the fourth episode of our Summer of Missions Book Chat series, we learn how even broken bodies can bring glory to God. We will talk about the lives of Blaise Pascal...
Ep 214: Summer Of Missions Book Chat #3 with Abigail Hodge and Guest Host Erika Simpson
In our third episode of our Summer of Missions Book Chat series, we learn about the lives of Richard Allen, the father/son-in-law pair of CT Studd and Norman Grubb an...
Ep 213: Summer Of Missions Book Chat #2 with Katie Sandy and Guest Host Erika Simpson
In our second episode of our Summer of Missions Book Chat series, we learn about the lives of Alexander Cruden, Charles Spurgeon and Helen Roseveare. We also discuss ...
Ep 212: Everyday Theology- Every Night Theology with Allison Zimmerman
Nights can be dark and we may be tempted to overly reflect on our day or worry about tomorrow. But, God is with us all the time and His Word is applicable both in the ...
Ep 211: Summer Of Missions Book Chat #1 with Erin Hoot and Guest Host Erika Simpson
In our first installment of our Summer of Missions Book Chat, we will learn about the lives of Monica and Augustine of Hippo, Susanna and Samuel Wesley and Francis Sh...
Ep 210: A Question that Begs to be Answered - What is the Gospel? With Jackie Long
How is Christianity different from other religions? What does the gospel mean? Join us today as we discuss all the aspects of the Gospel of Jesus and how this should i...
Ep 209: Missionaries and Martyrs with Kara Wisniewski
Christian history is full of remarkable stories of real-life heroes of the faith. The lives of these bold men and women should inspire us to be courageous–to spur us o...
Ep 208: Everyday Theology- Run The Race with Julie Rubel
Have you ever tried to run a Marathon? It takes many hours of training and countless practice runs. Our lives are similar to a race. Even though we will encounter ch...
Ep 207: Overcoming “Dark Clouds” of Wrong Thinking with Wendy Foulke
As women, we are often faced with challenging, confusing, wrong or even directly sinful thoughts and we may not even know where and why these thoughts come. Today we ...
Ep 206: Unseat the Anxiety with Melissa Franklin
Life can be stressful. For many, stress and anxiety have simply become accepted aspects of daily life. But in Christ, we can overcome our anxiety rather than being def...
Ep 205: God is Sovereign with Andrea Van Engen
Today we finish up our final installment of our God is… Series with our final attribute of God. We will discuss how God’s sovereignty can and should be a comfort to us...
Ep 204: Breaking News with Melina Smith
Just pick up a newspaper or turn on the news, you can be tempted to stress, fall into worry, fear or anger. Today we discuss how to actually be aware of current events...
Ep 203: Everyday Theology- Two Paths with Brittney Colchagoff
Today we discuss the wide and the narrow paths and which one we should traverse on. We discuss the dilemma of being comfortable and living in ease versus obeying God a...
Ep 202: Life with No Regrets with Renee Drees
The world exhorts people to live without regrets, but often this mentality is used as a way to justify sinful choices. From youth to old age, we are frequently self-fo...
Ep 201: Mom2Mom The Dining Room with Aleaha Bayly
As we continue to visit each room of the home, we stop in the dining room to discover how this room can and should be used for God’s glory. We discuss the importance o...
Ep 200: When the Cash Cow Says “Moo” (A Conversation about Money) With Courtney Hassen
Is money good? Is money bad? What does God want us to do with our money? Listen today for the answers to these questions and more on the topic of money and using it fo...
Ep 199: Everyday Theology- Take Your Anxiety to God with Allison Hufford
In this installment of our Everyday Theology series, we discuss the common challenge with anxiety and worry and how to turn one’s worry to worship and anxiety into a...
Ep 198: God is Patient with Mackenzie Ahrendt
It is common to struggle with impatience in our lives. But God NEVER struggles with impatience as He is always constantly perfectly patient with us. Join us today as w...
Ep 197: Mom2Mom- The Playroom with Mackenzie Ahrendt
In this installment of our Mom2Mom ministry, we discuss the playroom - the place our kids play and we will talk about how we can lovingly and purposefully interact wit...
Ep 196: God is Independent with Maddie Kreuz
Here is another segment of our God Is… series. We will discuss how God is independent and doesn’t need any help. In contrast, we will also discuss how we are dependent...
Ep 195: Everyday Theology- The Good Part with Joy Park
In this monthly series, we discuss how God’s Word is useful every single day. Today we discuss how we can shake off worry and concerns and find peace by sitting at ...
Ep 194: What’s a Girl to Do? Part 2 with Rebekah Van Wormer, Rylyn Wing and Rebekah Wojtala
In this second part of our two part series, we will chit chat about what a girl should be doing with her time. We will talk about school, sports, jobs, friends and so...
Ep 193: What’s a Girl to Do? Part 1 with Rebekah Van Wormer, Rylyn Wing and Rebekah Wojtala
In this first part of a two part series, we will delve into all the relationships a young lady might have from God to parents to family and friends and even some conve...