Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 in total
Ep 247: Essentials of Christianity #3 with Wendy Foulke
Today we discuss the answer to the third important question in our Essentials of Christianity segments: How do I know that the Bible is true?Wendy’s Resources: Taking ...
Ep 246: The Fertilizers of Pride Gossip, Comparison and Self-Focus with Erin Hoot
What are you growing in your heart? It’s time to do a self- evaluation of what we might be growing and how to kill the weeds of sin. We will specifically discuss the w...
Ep 245: Mom2Mom- Seasons of Motherhood- Nurturing Marriage in Every Season with 6 mini talks
Six mini talks on how to prioritize your marriage in different seasons of life–the little years, middle years, and ending well.Reach out at:unshakenpsalm622@gmail.comC...
Ep 244.1 BONUS: Podcast Update 2025
Listen for a little update on what has been happening behind the scenes and what is coming up on Unshaken. Reach out at:unshakenpsalm622@gmail.comChrist the Word Sermo...
Ep 244 Wise Words with Audrey Johnson
Words have power. They can tear down or they can bring life. Join us as we consider how to replace damaging habits and strive to please God by using our words to bles...
Ep 243: Essentials of Christianity #2 with Andrea Van Engen
Today we discuss the answer to the second important question in our Essentials of Christianity segments: Why should I trust God? Andrea’s Suggestion.Trusting God by Je...
Ep 242: Hope and Help to Handle Anger With Katie Sandy
Do you struggle with angry thoughts, responses and outbursts? Today, we discuss how to deal with these thoughts and responses in view of God’s Word and how God can hel...
Ep 241: Run the Race with Erika Simpson
With all the distractions and struggles of life, how can we persevere in our race to the finish line? Today we learn how to run the race God has planned for us victori...
Ep 240: Mom2Mom- Seasons of Motherhood- Having the Hard Conversations with Stacy Holman
As our children grow older, we will find the conversations can become more difficult and deep. Although it would be easier to avoid or ignore these conversations, we ...
Ep 239: Goals for a New Year with Sarah Light
Are goals a healthy habit? Can our goals honor God? When do goals go wrong? Today we jump into this common beginning of the year topic that we all think about and try ...
Ep 238: Essentials of Christianity #1 With Wendy Foulke
Today we discuss the answer to the first important question in our Essentials of Christianity segments: What did Christ do on the cross and what does that mean for us?...
Ep 237: The Fine Art of Encouragement with Rachel Wiltse
Encouragement is often a side thought. But what if it was our goal for the new year? Today we talk about how encouragement plays a huge role in our personal growth and...
Ep 236: Mom2Mom- Season of Motherhood: The Christmas Special with Erika Simpson
It’s Christmas time! Today we focus on how to make this holiday a joyful and peaceful one centered on Christ within our families even with all the “extras” added into ...
Ep 235: Six Characters of Christmas with Sharon Ahrendt, Aleaha Bayly, Wendy Foulke, Adrienne Miklovic and Andrea Van Engen
We all know Jesus is the main character of Christmas. But have you ever thought about the Christmas story from the Shepherd's perspective or through King Herod’s eyes...
Ep 234: Everyday Theology- Look Up To Jesus with Debbie Forney
In this final episode in our Everyday Theology Series, we are challenged to look to Christ no matter our circumstances. We will hear one woman’s story and how even th...
Ep 233: The Value of Vulnerability with Ashley Filippelli
Often being vulnerable is thought to be weak in the world’s view. Today we discuss this topic in light of the Bible and what God says. We will discuss when and why we ...
Ep 232: Mom2Mom- Seasons of Motherhood: Terrific Toddlers with Janay Bellas
Join us for another installment of our Mom2Mom series: Seasons of Motherhood. Today we hear about how we can turn the world’s view of toddlers into a joyful view of th...
Ep 231: Green Bean Casserole and Difficult Relationships with Taylor Castillo
Each and every day we may encounter difficult people. We may want to avoid these types of people but is that the right response? Today we discuss how to react and even...
Ep 230: Everyday Theology- The Golden Thread with Cassandra Macino
Sometimes we need to look back through our lives to see how God was present and working each and every day. Today we hear one woman’s timeline and the thread that God...
Ep 229: Counter Cultural Beauty with Audrey Bayly
As women, we all desire to be beautiful. And while we should not ignore our physical appearance, how can we have proper priorities on godly beauty? Join us as we talk ...
Ep 228: The Problem with Pornography With Wendy Foulke
Pornography is not a new issue in our society. But as it creeps into our lives more and more, we must learn how to fight and kill this sin. Listen today for some hone...
Ep 227: Mom2Mom - Where It All Began with Kara Wisniewski
Tune in today for this year's second Mom2Mom installment, the Baby Years with Kara Wisniewski. Reach out at:unshakenpsalm622@gmail.comChrist the Word Sermonshttps://po...
Ep 226: Every Child: A Look at Foster Care in the Church with Renee Drees and Michelle Holder
Have you ever considered fostering or adopting? Or perhaps this brings up fear and uncertainty in your heart? Well, listen today to hear from two women in the the “tre...
Ep 225: Everyday Theology- The Rearview Mirror with Sarah Everett
If you have ever faced a trial, you know they can be challenging, discouraging and fearful. Today we walk alongside someone’s trial as we look back in the rearview mir...
Ep 224.1: Christian Answers to Cultural Questions with Sarah DeSonne, Marlisa Sanchez, and Erika Simpson
Can we prioritize our racial or ethnic identity over our relationship with Christ? Does God’s truth shift as our culture evolves? How should Christians react to social...
224.2: The Truth about Gender with Wendy Foulke
In a time of gender confusion, we need clarity. The world’s voices are loud but what does Scripture say about gender? And how are we, as Christians, to respond to peop...
Mom2Mom: Seasons of Motherhood with Melina Smith
Join us today as we kick off our Mom2Mom season, with an episode focused on this school year’s theme of Seasons of Motherhood. Listen for encouragement and challenge ...
Ep 222: Mastering Our Time with Sarah Light
Do you ever wonder how you will get everything done? Or find yourself saying “I don’t have enough time!” Well, today we discuss how to view our time through the lens o...
Ep 221: Everyday Theology- All the People God Uses with Sharon Cox
As life ebbs and flows, we may find ourselves in challenging situations. But God is with us always and He leads others into our lives to encourage and help us as we m...
Ep 220: Courageous Parenting with Julie Van Wormer and Guest Host - Erika Simpson
Parenting is not for the faint of heart. Parenting children in our modern day can be challenging and difficult and takes great courage. Listen today as we discuss h...