Ep 200: When the Cash Cow Says “Moo” (A Conversation about Money) With Courtney Hassen

Is money good? Is money bad? What does God want us to do with our money? Listen today for the answers to these questions and more on the topic of money and using it for God’s glory. Bonus content includes listener favorites as we celebrate our 200th episode!

Favorite Episodes
Courtney Hassen’s Favorite  Episodes: #177 Feminology: Anxiety with Sarah French
 #144 A Faithful Discipline with Sharon Ahrendt
 #153 Stretching the Dollar with Cheryl Bayly
Amy Gladney’s Favorite: #180 A Time to Be Thankful with Halie Maser
Rachel Speweik’s Favorite: #152 Understanding God’s Will with Julie Morgan
Mackenzie Brunko”s  Favorite: : #147 Feminology::  Hope with Ashley Marcuz
Morgan McClain”s Favorite: #178 God Is Good with Lexie Ruiz
Amelia Holman”s Favorite: # 182 Feminology: Joy with Bryce Miklovic
Rachel Wiltse Favorite: #114 Joyfully Surviving with Michelle Holder

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