Displaying 211 - 228 of 228 in total

Address the Stress Mess

Sometimes stress is all around us, but more often it is right in our heart. In today’s episode, learn how you can de-stress your heart and prepare it for peace during...

Some Favorites | Bonus Episode!

Hear from five of our podcast listeners what their favorite Bible verses are and the stories behind them.

Having Peace in the Midst of Busyness

Are you overwhelmed, frantic or stressed? Do you dread your day? On today’s podcast, listen as we discuss how to take joy in our busy lives in light of God’s Word

Not Your Cookie Cutter Life

Did you dream of a 2 story brick house with a white picket fence? Maybe a little dog or a swing in a giant oak in your front yard? Well, listen today to hear one wom...

Read Your Directions

Have you ever tried to assemble something without reading the directions? It is so easy to make mistakes. Listen today as we discuss the importance of reading the dire...

My Time Is Your Time: Part 2

Continuing from Episode 11, we will take a look at how to organize and plan our days to make a godly impact on our family and friends.

My Time Is Your Time: Part 1

In this episode, we will discuss ways to plan our days to honor God and live for eternity.

Thriving Instead of Surviving: Part 2

How can we go from surviving to thriving? Listen to everyday examples to inspire you to thrive in life.

Thriving Instead of Surviving: Part 1

Sometimes we just survive life. But can we really thrive in Christ in our day to day? Hear how one woman prospers and thrives in her everyday life.

Trusting God in the Big & Small: Part 2

Trusting God in the Big and Small walks us through ways we can trust God in ALL circumstances. This is part 2 of a 2 part series.

Trusting God in the Big & Small: Part 1

In life we have much trouble. Can we really trust God no matter the size of our challenge? Listen to some practical ways we can trust God for everything. This is part ...

Changing Worry To Worship

Worry and anxiety are commonly accepted responses in women. Learn how one woman is turning her worry into worship, and how you can too.

Faith Over Fear: Part 4

In this final part of the Faith Over Fear series, our fears are brought into the light and we learn how to fight our fears with God’s Word.

Faith Over Fear: Part 3

In the 3rd part of the Faith Over Fear series, we take a look at how we might mask our fears behind other “names”.

Faith Over Fear: Part 2

It’s true, fear can be a challenge. But it can also be an opportunity to trust God. In the second part of a four part series, hear how we can face fears head on with ...

The Heart of Racism

How does a Christian respond to racism? God’s word speaks to this hot topic. This personal perspective will help us to see racism in our own hearts and how to respond ...

Faith Over Fear: Part 1

Fear is a normal emotion everyone experiences, but our response to that fear is what matters. Listen to the first installment of a four part series that gives practica...

When Storms Come

While storms in life are inevitable, we can face them with confidence in Christ. Hear how one woman faces the storms of life for Christ and how you can too.

@2023 Christ the Word Church