Displaying episodes 91 - 120 of 227 in total

Ep 134: Feminology #13 What to do with our Emotions with Cherly Bayly

It is well known that women have emotions. But really what we should ask is “are emotions godly or sinful?” How should we deal with our emotions? Listen today for our ...

Ep 133: Let’s Get Planning with Wendy Foulke

Are you ready to plan for the new year? Listen as we talk through how to plan for spiritual, personal, reading, relationship and practical goals and how to accomplish ...

Ep 132: Interwoven Stories with Mackenzie Brunko and Natalie Speweik

Merry Christmas! Join us today as we hear how God changed the hearts and lives of two women to love and serve HIM everyday.

Ep 131: A Conversation about CHRISTmas Carols with Abby Maser

It’s time for Christmas Music! But can we use these traditional Christmas carols in our worship of God? And should we? Join us as we chit chat about some favorite car...

Ep 130: Real Talk about Depression with Wendy Foulke

Have you ever struggled with depression or just feeling down? Or perhaps you are helping a friend who is experiencing these “lows”. Join us as we talk about depression...

Ep 129: Feminology #12 with Adrienne Miklovic

Listen for our last installment of Feminology for 2022 on the topic of being industrious. Hear practical ways to serve God by serving and working each day.

Ep128: A Time for Thankfulness with Grace Simpson, Janay Bellas, Erin Hoot and Nelle Maser

Happy Thanksgiving! Join us today as we focus on thankfulness with four women and how they are choosing thankfulness each and every day.

Ep 127: A Few “How To” Lessons with Sharon Ahrendt

Sometimes we all just need the practical side of how to do something. And sometimes hearing how someone else does something helps us fine tune our own plans. So listen...

Ep 126.2: Seasons of Motherhood Q&A Part 2

Today we continue a great discussion about the seasons of motherhood. We discuss helping our kids with emotions, husbands and disciplining children, housework, teachin...

Ep 126.1: Embracing the In-Laws with Melina Smith

The holidays are coming and coming fast and we will likely be spending time with extended family members. Listen to hear how God calls us to love and honor even those ...

Ep 125: Feminology #11

Reach out at unshakenpsalm622@gmail.comFind us on Instagram and Facebook at: WomenoftheWordCTW

Ep 124: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy with Nell Maser

Eternal investments are much different than financial investments. Today we discuss how we can live leaving a spiritual legacy wherever we go and with anyone we meet.

Ep 123: Defeating the What Ifs? with Judy Cleveland

This is probably the intriguing question.. What if. Should we be asking these questions? What if we can’t get the answers? Listen for practical suggestions and direct...

Ep 122: Seasons of Motherhood Q&A Panel

Join us today as we listen to a panel of moms answering questions related to motherhood, parenting, marriage and more. Great ideas and tips for any mom!

Ep 121: Feminology #10 with Adrienne Miklovic

In today's Feminology installment, we talk about another characteristic of Godly womanhood, industriousness. As we work heartily, it is so important to remember that i...

Ep 120: Resolving to Restore with Jennifer Turner

Have you ever had a broken relationship? Have you ever been hurt by someone? Likely, your answer is yes. Listen for Biblical foundations of relationships and practical...

Ep 119: The World Of "Self" with Kara Wisniewski

Our World is full of messages to “look out for yourself”,” give yourself a break”, “take some ME time” and many other messages to focus on self. But are these are coun...

Ep 118: Joyful Motherhood with Julie Van Wormer

Do you struggle with joy in your mothering? Somedays are harder than others, right? Listen today for encouragement, challenge and some practical tips on how to be a jo...

Ep 117: Freedom in Forgiveness

Is forgiveness just for the person who offends us? Or can we find great freedom and comfort in the purpose and practice of forgiving someone? And how do we really, hon...

Ep 116: Feminology #9 with Cheryl Bayly

In this installment of Feminology we will discuss how the world’s view of a woman is quite different than God’s view, specifically in the area of a woman being soft.

Ep 115: How to Study Your Bible: The Search and Do Method with Wendy Foulke

Have you ever struggled to understand how to read and study the Bible? Do you often have questions about what you read? Join us today as we discuss how to study the Bi...

Ep 114: Joyfully Surviving with Michelle Holder

Have a Chronic illness? Hear one woman’s journey through her battle with Lupus and how God has not just sustained her but brought her great joy. Also listen for a min...

Ep 113: Learning Contentment Chapter 11 with Erika Simpson

Join us as we discuss our last chapter in the book Learning Contentment by Nancy Wilson and how to live contentment in our every day. We will share how God has person...

Ep 112: Feminiogly #8

Today we jump into our series called Feminology. We discuss how, why and when a woman should be soft in her spirit and actions. We will also take a look at how this af...

Ep 111: A Surprising Joy with Katie Daugherty

Where is God when you have a child with disabilities? What does the Bible even say? Join us today as we talk about how the challenges can turn to surprising joys when...

Ep 110: Learning Contentment Chapters 9 and 10

Join us as we discuss Chapters 9 and 10 of Learning Contentment by Nancy Wilson and how to live contentment in our every day.

Ep 109: Body Image and Contentment with Ashely Marcuz

Today we discuss if and how we can learn to be content with the body God has given us. We also discuss triggers for body image discontentment and how to counter bala...

Ep 108: Feminology #7 with Cheryl Bayly

In today’s episode, our world tells us that being soft means being weak. But the Bible tells us something different. Listen to hear how being soft is a calling to wom...

Ep 107: Learning Contentment Chapters 7 and 8

Join us as we discuss Chapters 7 and 8 of Learning Contentment by Nancy Wilson and how to live contentment in our everyday lives.

Ep 106: When The Moving Truck Rolls In with Melina Smith

On today’s episode, we hear about one woman’s journey in learning to be content in the midst of many transitions from city to city and dealing with her husband’s mil...

@2023 Christ the Word Church