Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 227 in total

Ep 163: Living with Godly Purpose on Social Media with Jenn Clark

Social media has affected and changed our society greatly – particularly in the area of interpersonal relationships. We continue to embrace it despite the growing evid...

Ep 162: Practical Discernment in the Real World with Katie Sandy and Andrea Van Engen

We are faced with many new and different ideas both in our churches and in the world. How can a Christian discern what is good and godly and what is wrong and sinful? ...

Ep 161: Summer Book Chat with Erika Simpson

Join us as we discuss the book Humility by C.J. Mahaney and work to slay the Pride Monster in all of us.  Today we will focus on chapters 5-8 and discuss some good app...

Ep 160: Feminology- Fear with Rebekah Wing

On today’s installment of Feminology, we learn about another common emotion that many women deal with… fear. What do we do with fearful thoughts and reactions? Is all ...

Ep 159: Purposing to Heal with Rachele Mickel

How can we heal after we have been hurt by a friend, family member or church member?  Does God even know about or even care about our hurt? Listen today for some real ...

Ep 159.1: A Pastor’s WIfe Journey with Cheryl Bayly

On this special bonus episode, we chat with Cheryl Bayly, longtime Pastor’s wife at Christ the Word Church about being a Pastor’s Wife, loving and serving people and h...

Ep 158: Prayer with a Purpose with Diane Walls

Is prayer important? Does God hear my prayers? What if I pray and never see the answer? Join us today for an episode on how we can pray with a purpose, how we can trus...

Ep 157: Mom2Mom- Fruitful Challenges with Renee Drees, Lisa Dominguez and Rebekah Kepler

Today we listen to a panel of women talking about how to deal with parenting challenges that come through various ways from chronic illness, physical limitations or ch...

Ep 156: Summer Book Chat with Erika Simpson

Join us as we discuss the book Humility by C.J. Mahaney and work to slay the Pride Monster in all of us.  Today we will cover chapters 1-4. Reach out at unshakenpsalm6...

Ep 155: Feminology - Anger with Heidi Hunsaker

On today’s episode, we discuss the hot topic of anger. Is anger always a sin? What is righteous anger? Can God be angry? So much to talk about as we look at the emotio...

Ep 154: The Stuff of Earth with Katie Lowell

What do we do with all our stuff? Is it more godly to be poor? Is it okay to have nice things? Today we discuss some thoughts on these questions and  many more as we t...

Ep 153: Stretching the Dollar with Cheryl Bayly

Everything costs money! On this episode, learn some practical tips and ideas to both save money and use money wisely to bless your family and others!Cheryl’s Fun Activ...

Ep 152: Understanding God’s Will with Julie Morgan

Have you ever been faced with two equally good decisions? It is difficult to decide what God may want us to do.  Listen today to practical help on how to obey and hono...

Ep 151: Feminology- Compassion with Kristie Ruff

When the hectic days come and the to-do list grows, we may become overwhelmed and easily irritated at those around us. Today we talk through what godly compassion is a...

Ep 150: Seeing Jesus Through ALL of the Bible with Dakota Stevens

Do we see Jesus everywhere  in Scripture? Is the Old Testament as important as the New Testament? Do I have to read the Minor Prophets? Today, we discuss the importanc...

Ep 149: Mom2Mom: Fruitful Protections with Adrienne Miklovic

As a mother, it is easy to think it is our #1  job to protect our children. On the podcast today, we will hear how we are called to protect our children with the resou...

Ep 148: Dealing with Grief with Grace Brown

Grief follows no timeline or step by step chart. Listen today to hear how to walk through grief and honor God while you are struggling through grief from someone who h...

Ep 147: Feminology- Hope with Ashley Marcuz

Sometimes our hearts are at a loss for hope, even struggling to keep going. Listen today to hear some honest conversation about how to overcome despair and hopelessnes...

Ep 146: Heart for the Lost with Renee Drees

Who  is “the Lost”? How can we share the real story of Jesus  with those around us?  And why should we do this? And what if people reject us?  Join for a great convers...

Ep 145: Handy Helps for the Home with Alli Daugherty

No matter your season of life, we all have a “home” to care for. It might be a traditional home, a dorm room, apartment, condo or even a bedroom. Listen today for 5 pr...

Ep 144: Faithful Discipline with Sharon Ahrendt

What should a mom do with temper tantrums, melt-downs, lying, hitting and all out rebellion? Listen today to hear practical ways to deal with these issues that come ea...

Ep 143: 9 Dating Fallacies with Alli Daugherty, Rebekah Kepler and Hannah Van Wormer

Is it okay to date? How can a girl live when she is waiting for “the Right One”? Is flirting okay? How can I get a guy to notice me? We will delve into this big and br...

Ep 142: Feminology- Jealousy with Heather Cramer

Get ready for another discussion about a hot topic emotion: jealousy. Today we talk about if jealousy is ever good or okay to feel, how to fight jealous thoughts and f...

Ep 141: Purpose Series- Serve with April Kincaid

Finally, join us for the fourth episode of our series entitled Purpose. This week, we will discuss how, where and when God calls us to serve. Reach out at unshakenpsal...

Ep 140: Having Fun with Your Spouse with Audrey Bayly

Listen today for practical and encouraging ways to build fun and joy into our lives with our husbands.  Reach out at unshakenpsalm622@gmail.comFind us on Instagram and...

Ep 139: Purpose Series- Grow with Kim Lechman

In this third part of our four part series on Purpose, we will discuss how God has called us to do good works for His glory. What are those good works? Well, listen to...

Ep 138: Feminology- The Emotion of Love with Rachele Mickel

In today’s installment of Feminology, we discuss the emotion of love. How can love those who are unlovable? How can love as God loves? What does real love look like? W...

Ep 137: Purpose Series - Design with April Kincaid

Join us in this second part of a four part series on our Purpose in life. Today we focus on how we are created and designed in a way that honors God.

Ep 136: Fruitful Motherhood with Andrea Van Engen

The word “fruit” brings us to think of traditional apples, oranges and grapes. But listen today to hear how we can grow “fruit’ in our lives that honors God and leads...

Ep 135: Purpose Series - Truth with Kim Lechman

Likely everyone has wondered at times what their purpose in life is. It can be challenging to figure this out. Well, listen today to the TRUTH about God’s purpose for ...

@2023 Christ the Word Church